The new year is just around the corner, and while that can feel super exciting, it can also get us a little too excited.  We build up our ambitions and think that at midnight, December 31, 2022, we’re magically going to become different people. It is such a BUMMER that we get stuck in all […]


A Quickie Year In Review — That You’ll Actually Do

Business, Leadership

Running a business as a whole, complicated human can be tricky. Our heads and hearts both want to be the boss and make decisions for us. Deciding ‘who’ gets the driver’s seat can be challenging.  That’s why it’s crucial to proactively decide where data, emotion, and intuition belong in your business.  Is it Better to […]

Profitable Decision Making: How To Inform Your Next Business Move With Data, Emotions, and Intuition

You already have systems and processes in your business, even if you never intentionally put them there.  In this blog, I’m breaking down what a system is, what a process is, and how they’re related. By the end, you’ll be able to identify each so that you can zoom out and see the bigger picture […]


Your Systems, Simplified: Learn What They Are and How They Are Different From Business Processes


In Part 1 of this series, I shared the four layers of support in business to give you a big-picture idea of the role you might want to hire for. In this blog, I will share my foolproof method of determining what you should outsource on a very detailed and tangible level: the time and […]

Beyond The Job Title {Part 2}: Tracking Your Time and Tasks to Define Your New Team Member’s To-Do’s

You’ve decided it’s time to hire a new team member — congrats! Now you might be wondering…how do I decide exactly what to outsource? In a couple of past blogs, I’ve covered deciding if you need to hire a VA or an OBM and how to bring your values into the hiring process. Now, I […]


Beyond The Job Title {Part 1}: How to Decide Exactly What Roles & Responsibilities to Outsource


Building a solid team for your online business can be a daunting endeavor.  First, there’s dealing with resistance to outsourcing and nerves around delegation. Then, there’s the overwhelm of figuring out who to hire, what roles are most important to fill first, and what each team member will and will not do for your business.  […]

What’s The Difference Between a VA and an OBM? 8 Common Questions About Which To Hire

Hiring an Online Business Manager is a power move. One I highly recommend you make — at the right time for you and your business.  If you’ve noticed an increase in your or your team’s level of overwhelm, the right time for you might be now. In this blog, I want to address what happens […]


The Bottleneck Effect: 3 Signs It’s Time to Hire an OBM (and What to Do Before You Do)


You, my entrepreneur friend, are a master problem solver.  For most of your life — and your business’s life — you’ve probably solved problems when they show up and smack you in the face. I know this because it’s how I lived for years, how many of my clients function, and it’s just human nature […]

Why You Need a “Performance Review” of Your Back End Ops 

Most of my clients started their businesses as solopreneurs. When you’re the only team member, you can fly by the seat of your pants. Your main concern is delivering services to your clients, and the backend of business takes a back seat! Most of my clients are also just starting to grow their teams. They […]


SOPs: 5 of the Most Common Questions, Answered for You


Hiring people that are an excellent match to your business’s core values and culture will make them extremely valuable to your business. I’d even go so far as to say that someone who aligns with your values will be more beneficial to your business than someone who does not align with your values yet has […]

High-Value Hiring: 3 Ways to Incorporate Your Core Values Into Hiring Your Next Team Member