This guide will walk you through how to use the 7 pillars to audit your business so you can eliminate friction and scale with ease.

Get your FREE 7 Pillar Business Assessment below! ⚡

The 7 Pillar Business Assessment

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What the 7 pillars of business are and why each and every one is critical to your business

here's what you'll learn...

How to audit and keep a pulse on the health of your business using the 7 pillars

How to determine what's priority in your business so you can ensure you're focusing on what matters and moving the needle in the right direction

How the 7 pillars of business work together to set you up for long-term success in your business.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

meet alexis

online business manager, systems strategist & proud multi-beverage drinker

your new right-hand woman!

Hey! I’m Alexis Fortier, a systems strategist for impact-driven entrepreneurs like you who want to go from scattered & overwhelmed with their lack o’ systems to clear & confident in their business back-end.

As an online business manager & systems strategist, I provide systems audits, custom setups, and retainer OBM services to business owners at every stage of entrepreneurial growth.

Whether you’re constantly running around trying to plug the holes and fill the gaps in the back-end of your business or you're feeling frozen in place because you're uncertain about next steps within your business, I gotchu!

grab the assessment